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Volume 5, Number 15
25 January 1999

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Exchange Students Begin Overseas Adventures
Prof. Erol Arkun, Vice Rector for Student Affairs, stated that Bilkent University continues to expand its exchange programs by adding new universities to its list of partner universities for reciprocal exchange of students and faculty members.

Partner Universities

Recently, exchange agreements were compicted with Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Texas at Austin, Tel Aviv University, and the University of California's eight campuses (Berkeley, Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Irvine, Davis, Riverside, and Santa Cruz). Other universities with exchange programs include Purdue, Maine, Johns Hopkins, McGill, University of Missouri- Rolla, The Rhode Island School of Design, University of Michigan, Odensc University, Bowling Green State University, and Laval University.

Conditions for Exchange

A qualified student participating in the exchange program pays the semester's tuition to Bilkent University as usual and is exempted from the tuition fee for the host university. However, the student is responsible for travel, housing, food, and incidental costs as well as the health insurance expenses and other minor fees while participating in the exchange program.

How to Apply

Applications for the Fall'99 semester should be filed no later than February 15 with Exchange Programs Coordinator Ms. Ayşegül Başol at the Registrar's Office (ext. 1240/1241). A student in his or her third year of studies in Fall'99 with at least an honor standing is more likely to be nominated for exchange with a partner university than those lacking such qualifications. Applications made directly to the partner universities are not accpeted.


An applicant must submit a CV, a statement of purpose, and a transcript along with his or her application form to the Exchange Programs Coordinator. Some host universities also require a TOEFL score.

Each host university accepts one or two students each year, usually for one semester only.

Ünay Tamgaç, IE-IV

She is leaving for Purdue University in West LaFayette, Indiana. She lived in Germany for three years. She is planning to purse a master's in business administration (MBA). She chose Purdue because it is one of the best Industrial Engineering schools in the U.S.

Kerem Keremoğlu, MAN-III

Although he has traveled in Europe for leisure to France and Switzerland and to several Balkan countries for skiing, Kerem's semester at Odense University marks his first time in Denmark. He wants is looking forward to learning about marketing and European higher education.

Metin Soref, SAL-III (Banking and Finance)

He is the first student from Bilkent to go to the University of Maine. He is going to complete the second semester of his third year there. He is planning to graduate in Fall '99. He is planning graduate studies in international business and marketing.

Ahmet Sesigürgil, MAN-III

As a national ice hockey player, Ahmet has traveled extensively and he has been to the U.S. and England for English courses. However, attending Odense will take him to Denmark for the first time. He is interested in marketing and advertising.

Barış Karaağaç, IR-II

He is going to Johns Hopkins University. This is his first time in the U.S., but he spent a year in Sweden as an American Field Service (AFS) exchange program student when he was a high school junior. He is interested in European politics.

Gülru Özerten, MAN-III

She has been to the U.S. several times, including a trip to San Francisco for a two-week executive English course, but she's never been to Denmark, where she will attend Odense University this semester. Gülru is interested in management consulting.

Burak Subaşı, EE-III

He is going to University of Texas at Austin, where he will complete the second semester of his third year He has been to Texas before, staying in El Paso as an AFS student. Burak says he will concentrate on his studies; studying overseas doesn't mean vacation for him.

Barış Hikmet Topçu, MAN-III

He is going to Odense University in Denmark where graduate classes are held in English. Barış wants to focus on organizational studies. This is his first time overseas.

Devrim Pesen, MBG-IV

Devrim will attend Johns Hopkins University where she will complete the second semester of her senior year in Molecular Biology.

Esen Öğüş, MAN-III

Esen will complete the second semester of her third year in Management at Odense University in Denmark.

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