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Volume 6, Number 27
8 May 2000

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Draw to Win!
As part of the Spring Fest 2000 celebrations, Club Active will be organizing the first round of the Inter-University Pictionary Tournament on May 11. The tournament, which is sponsored by Hasbro Intertoy, will be contested by teams of 4 students or faculty members from 9 Turkish universities (Bilkent, METU, Başkent, Dokuz Eylül, İTU, Koç, Boğaziçi, Bilgi, and Marmara).

As announced previously in Bilkent News, the Pictionary tournament will be played using Turkish words and phrases. In addition to receiving prizes donated by Intertoy and other tournament sponsors, the winning team will go to İstanbul in June to compete in the Pictionary finals.

On May 9 and 10, Club Active will set up special Pictionary stands in order to give Bilkenters who are interested in taking part in the competition a chance to practice. On May 9, the stand will be in the FEASS building between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The next day, the first day of Spring Fest, the stand will be open in the Main Campus fair area in front of the Science building.

To participate in the tournament, e-mail or phone Club Active with your team name and roster. All team members must be Bilkent students or academic staff.

Don't miss the fun. Draw, win, and represent Bilkent in the finals!
For further information visit, e-mail, or call Devrim at 290-7206.

Devrim Dirik (IE-III)

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The Editorial Board will review the letters and print according to available space.