Bilkent News will print classified ads, space permitting. Ads can be placed only by Bilkent University students, faculty or staff. "For Sale" items must be second-hand items and ads of a commercial nature will not be accepted. Only one ad per person per week will be printed.
Bilkent News reserves the right to reject any ad that does not adhere to submission guidelines. It is not responsible for the accuracy or any other aspect of the information provided in the ad. Submissions can be made to with the subject "BilAd."
For Sale: -Car (Foreigner): Peugeot 305 Diesel Wagon 1987, rebuilt engine, economical, reliable, 2nd owner, for $1600.
- Drumset: “Rims Percussion”, with snare and all hardware, case, extra heads, for $400.
- Stereo Speakers: BOSE Roomates (amplified, plug directly into discman/computer) $200. Contact or 266-2230.
For Sale: Handmade Turkish cabinet for sale, 183 cm tall, walnut stain with half glass front and half wooden doors. Wide enough for a small tv, for $200. Contact 266-6156.
For Sale: Fiat Uno SX 1.4 i.e., metallic red, 49,950 km for 6,750 billion TL
Contact Aysel Eker at (533) 314-4213.