Bilkent News will print classified ads, space permitting. Ads can be placed only by Bilkent University students, faculty or staff. "For Sale" items must be second-hand items and ads of a commercial nature will not be accepted. Only one ad per person per week will be printed.
Bilkent News reserves the right to reject any ad that does not adhere to submission guidelines. It is not responsible for the accuracy or any other aspect of the information provided in the ad. Submissions can be made to bilnews@bilkent.edu.tr with the subject "BilAd."
For Sale: Chrysler Dodge Grand Caravan 1994, foreigner to foreigner, airbag, air condition, 3300cc,automatic gearbox, fuel and LPG,90 000 miles. Call Julian at 266 -3091 or (535) 727-50 27.
For Sale: Score-Stereo Disco Mixer, in good condition, 4 channel, effects, crossfader, head phones monitoring, for 150$. Call Berk at (532) 632-8762 or e-mail turken@ug.bcc.bilkent.edu.tr
For Sale:-35mm Photo Camera body minolta 800si with minolta 28-135mm zoom lens 750$, -35mm Photo Camera body only Nikon F601 250$, -Lens for nikon body nikkor AF Lens 85mm f1,8 300$, -Lens for nikon body nikkor AF Lens 24mm f2.8 250$, -Lens for nikon body nikkor manuel Lens 105mm f2.5 150$, -Lens for nikon body nikkor manuel Lens 50mm f2 50$. Contact Murat Güzumar at gmurat@bilkent.edu.tr or ext. 1356
I Need a Home: 4-month old kitten (tortoisehell and white; female; parasite treatment and first shots given; litter-box trained) and 2-year old male cat (tabby and white; neutered; parasite treatment and first shots given; litter-box trained) are looking for caring homes. Contact ext. 2809; or 286-1010; or zgirgin@bilkent.edu.tr.