Bilkent Hackers Win Cybersecurity Competition

05 February 2019 Comments Off on Bilkent Hackers Win Cybersecurity Competition

On December 21, a seven-hour-long capture-the-flag competition for teams from all around Turkey took place at TOBB University in Ankara. The event ended with Team CL4IR from Bilkent University’s cyber security and hacking society Exploit Studio taking first place. The team consisted of Berk Cem Göksel (THEA), Mustafa Kemal Can (BAU-CS), Erdoğan Yağız Şahin (CTIS) and Yaman Yağız Taşbağ (CS).

In the context of cybersecurity competitions, capture-the-flag is a type of event where contenders solve complex problems in order to compromise vulnerable systems. Exploit Studio members meet every week at Bilkent in collaboration with the Bilkent IEEE student branch, aiming to share knowledge about computer science and information security.