(Back row, L to R): Deniz Kaygusuz, Güneşnaz Kuru, Ezgi Gürbüz, Hande Doğan and Özge Pekdemir (Front row, L to R): Ms. Maloney, Nevgül Şentürk and Levent Aytaç
Students in TRIN371 (Advanced Web Page Building), a course in the Department of Translation and Interpretation, have been building websites for Bilkent entities for 13 years.
“Just when I think it can’t get any better,” said Erin Maloney, course instructor from the School of Applied Languages, “it does. I have always had good students in TRIN 371, but this year, every single one of them was good.”
“They saved the best for last,” she added with a smile.
Each year, Ms. Maloney contacts various departments and organizations to see if they would like a website to be rebuilt, or built for the first time.
During the first half of the course, students learn how to write HTML and CSS code; how to use GIMP for graphic design and photo editing; and how to edit prewritten JavaScript.
During the second half of the course, students build websites. This year, 16 students built websites for five Bilkent entities.
Two of the projects, for the following entities, were built by seven students writing code using Notepad++ text-editing software:
- GE301 – Science, Technology and Society (a course in the Faculty of Engineering, with Dr. Robin Downey as project coordinator)
- Innovative and Smart Building Materials Laboratory (with Dr. Semiha Yılmazer as project coordinator)
Also, for the first time, WordPress was used, by nine students for the other three projects:
- Department of English Literature and Language (coordinated by Dr. Patrick Hart)
- Tumor Suppressors Laboratory (coordinated by Dr. Işık Yuluğ)
- Translation Society (coordinated by students in the organization)
To celebrate the completion of the five projects, on Friday, February 2, Ms. Maloney and Dr. Jacques Morin (Department of Archaeology) hosted the students in their home for the seventh annual Web Page Wassail Party.
Two coordinators – Dr. Downey and Dr. Yılmazer – also came to the party.
Students in the project not shown in the photo above were Sevim Coşkun and Bartuğ Çelik – both from the Department of Philosophy – and Caner Ercan, Ozan Güner, Mert İlyas, İlayda Özveren, Günce Ünal, Eren Yangın and Umut Can Yüce.
To view the students’ work on the website building projects from this and previous years, see http://maloney.bilkent.edu.tr/rWebPages.htm.