CTIS Students Take Second Place in Autonomous Vehicle Competition

24 April 2019 Comments Off on CTIS Students Take Second Place in Autonomous Vehicle Competition

On April 13, Saim Çolak and Hüseyin Sarp Aslan from the Department of Computer Technology and Information Systems represented Bilkent University in the OpenZeka Mini Autonomous Racing Car (MARC) competition, open to young people from throughout Turkey. For the competition, the Bilkent students collaborated with TOBB ETÜ students, under the name “Team Autodrive,” sponsored by HAVELSAN A.Ş., and came in second.

OpenZeka MARC is an end-to-end training platform where autonomous vehicle algorithms solve real-life traffic problems. The goal of the competition is to improve the robotics skills of Turkey’s up-and-coming generation of entrepreneurs and information technology professionals.