Faces on Campus

30 March 2015 Comments Off on Faces on Campus

By Ayesha Bilal (PSYC/II)

Name: Bikem Ahıska (IR/IV)
What’s your favorite triple?
a) Movie: “Penelope”
b) Book: “American Gods” by Neil Gaiman
c) Song: “Love Is a Laserquest” by Arctic Monkeys
Can you describe yourself in three words?
“Introverted, a bookworm, empathetic”
If you could be anyone from the past, who would that be? “Elizabeth I”
Who is your favorite cartoon character?
“Prince Zuko”
If you were a superhero, what super power(s) would you have? “Controlling the elements”
The place on campus where I feel happiest is… “the Library PQ lines”
I have never… “cheated on someone”
What would be your last message on earth?
“Be tolerant”

Name: Cihan Tiambeng (CS/III)
What’s your favorite triple?
a) Movie: “Gattaca
b) Book: “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley
c) Song: “Hacker” by Death Grips
Can you describe yourself in three words?
“Tall, dark and handsome”
If you could be anyone from the past, who would that be? “‘Pistol Pete’ Maravich”
Who is your favorite cartoon character? “Krieger in ‘Archer’”
If you were a superhero, what super power(s) would you have? “Controlling hair and nail length”
The place on campus where I feel happiest is… “on the bus going home”
I have never… “gotten dunked on in basketball”
What would be your last message on earth?
“Thank you to my father, goodbye to my mother, and to all the children—congratulations!”

Name: Efe Yavuzer (IR/IV)
What’s your favorite triple?
a) Movie: “Yamakasi”
b) Book: “Korkma Ben Varım” by Murat Menteş
c) Song: “In the End” by Linkin Park
Can you describe yourself in three words?
“Handsome, charismatic, charming”
If you could be anyone from the past, who would that be? “Fatih Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror”
Who is your favorite cartoon character?
“Avatar Aang”
If you were a superhero, what super power(s) would you have? “Time travel”
The place on campus where I feel happiest is… “behind the İhsan Doğramacı statue”
I have never… “regretted anything”
What would be your last message on earth?
“Do what is true for you”