Recent Bilkent Symphony Orchestra concerts are now being broadcast online on the Bilkent Symphony Digital platform. They may be accessed at https://ticket.bilkent.edu.tr/
“Classic Brass”
Bilkent Brass Ensemble
P. Dukas | Fanfare to precede
“La Péri”
R. Premru | Five Movements from Divertimento
G. Gershwin | “An American in Paris”
G. Rossini | “Largo al factotum”
G. Gershwin | “Rhapsody in Blue”
G. Bizet | “Carmen” Suite
Recording: November 29, 2020, Bilkent Concert Hall
“Vestiges of the Past”
Bilkent Symphony Orchestra
Ayrton Desimpelaere, conductor
Dritan Gani, double bass
C.P.E. Bach | Symphony in D major, H. 663 (Wq. 183/1)
C.D. von Dittersdorf | Concerto for Double Bass in E major
P.I. Tchaikovsky |
“Souvenir de Florence,” Op. 70
Recording: December 10, 2020, Bilkent Concert Hall
“Horn, Horn”
Ayrton Desimpelaere, conductor
Mustafa Kaplan, horn
Hasan Erim Hacat, horn
G.F. Handel | “Messiah” Overture
A. Rosetti | Concerto for Two Horns and Orchestra, RWV C60
I. Stravinsky | “Pulcinella” Suite
Recording: December 17, 2020, Bilkent Concert Hall
Tuesday, February 9
SEC Talks: “Girişimcilik,” by Hüseyin Özer, at 6 p.m.
Thursday, February 11
“İlim ve Fen Tesadüfen,” by Prof. Fatih Ağalar, at 6 p.m. Organized by Atatürkçü Düşünce Topluluğu.
Wednesday, February 10
Klasik Türk Müziği Topluluğu introductory meeting, at 7 p.m.
Thursday, February 11
Meeting with the Mandarin Hotel, Bodrum executives, at 6 p.m. Organized by THM.
Friday, February 12
Bilkent Atatürkçü Düşünce Topluluğu introductory meeting, at 6 p.m.
Wednesday, February 10
“Area and Co-area Formulas for Maps into Metric Spaces,” by Behnam Esmayli (University of Pittsburgh, PA), at 6 p.m. Organized by MATH.
Thursday, February 11
“Aristotle’s Elements and a Problem for Change,” by Mary Krizan (University of Wisconsin), at 5 p.m. Organized by PHIL.
Friday, February 12
“Liftable Homeomorphisms of Finite Abelian P-group Regular Branched Covers Over the 2-sphere and the Projective Plane,” by Yıldıray Ozan (METU), at 3:40 p.m. Organized by MATH.