Are you ready to compete in Bilkent’s annual “Sports as a Way of Life” Fitness Challenge?
The program begins on March 31 and runs through April 27. It will be held at the Sports Center (Dormitories Sports Hall) and is open to all students. (Students taking GE250-251 will receive 75 points.)
Fitness events will include:
– cycling (30 minutes)
– rowing (30 minutes)
– stepper (15 minutes) and cycling (15 minutes)
– rowing (15 minutes) and cycling (15 minutes)
– cross-training (30 minutes)
– treadmill running (30 minutes)
– one set of strength training station exercises
The rules are as follows:
- Participants can do, at most, two different activities in one day.
- A
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participant will get 5 points for each activity, each day that it is done.
- Participants are to work out at least two times and at most five times per week.
- Participants who accumulate 120 points or more will receive special T-shirts.
At the end of the challenge, the three male and three female participants with the most points will receive medals. In addition, all participants will have a chance to win special gifts.
Registration will continue through March 30.
For more information, please call the Sports Center at ext. 1993 or 1325, or e-mail Ahsen Bilen: