08 November 2016 Comments Off on IN MEMORY OF ATATÜRK


img_7333-300-x-428Program in Memory of Atatürk

Thursday, November 10


9:05 a.m.

at the Bilkent Atatürk Monument

Moment of Silence


9:30 a.m.

at Mithat Çoruh Auditorium

Moment of Silence and National Anthem

Mini Concert


“Atatürk’ün Naaşının Etnoğrafya Müzesinden Anıtkabir’e Taşınma Süreci”

(“Moving Atatürk’s Body from the Ethnographic Museum to Anıtkabir”)

by Berk Kılıç (MAN/IV)


“Atatürk ile Düşünmek”

(“Thinking with Atatürk”)

by Asst. Prof. Saime Özçürümez


The ceremony will be in Turkish.

On Thursday, November 10, buses will leave at 8:45 a.m. from the

Engineering Building (B-Block) and Dorms 75 and 51 on Main Campus, and from Dorm 90 and the bus stop behind the Bilintur Cafeteria on East Campus.