Law Faculty Symposium Papers Published

02 February 2021 Comments Off on Law Faculty Symposium Papers Published

A book recently published by On İki Levha Yayıncılık comprises the papers presented at the first Young Legal Researchers Symposium.Organized by the Bilkent University Faculty of Law, the two-day symposium took place at Mithat Çoruh Auditorium in October 2019. Its primary purpose was to create an environment in which young legal researchers from different universities could gather and discuss their scholarly work with established academicians. Subsequent to the temporary disruption brought about by the COVID pandemic, it is intended that a follow-up symposium will be held at the end of 2021.

At the first symposium, 25 young researchers presented papers on their chosen topics; it is these papers that are collected in the newly published book, under the title “Genç Hukukçu Araştırmacılar Sempozyumu: 11–12 Ekim 2019” (Young Legal Researchers Symposium: October 11–12, 2019).

The volume was edited by Prof. Ece Göztepe, dean of the Bilkent University Faculty of Law, and two of the faculty’s PhD students: M. Emir Göka, who is studying private law, and Uğur Orhan, who is studying public law. Several outside referees reviewed all papers prior to publication.