Law Faculty’s New Mentoring Program Connects Students and Alumni

19 February 2019 Comments Off on Law Faculty’s New Mentoring Program Connects Students and Alumni

A mentoring program initiated by the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Law Alumni Association kicked off on February 8 with a meeting and after-party at Mithat Çoruh Auditorium.

The meeting opened with welcoming remarks by Prof. Ece Göztepe, dean of the Faculty of Law. Following this, Yunus Emre Bakiler (LAW ’09), who is currently working as an attorney at law,  described the new “Mentornity Program” in detail.

The program enables student mentees to consult experienced alumni mentors for advice and information on topics such as career planning, job opportunities, and the skills required to work in a particular area of legal practice. Students are able to search for and contact mentors according to their areas of interest.

With more than 150 alumni and final-year students in attendance, the meeting, which ended with a question-and-answer period, was a lively event. The reception held immediately following allowed students and alumni to became better acquainted, and also gave former classmates the opportunity to reconnect.