A new book by Turkish Literature PhD student Müesser Yeniay was recently published by Şiirden Yayıncılık. “Şiir Belleği: Poetika, Kanon ve Kadın Üzerine Yazılar” is her third book of essays/articles on literary subjects, in this case poetics, the canon and women. Her other two books are titled “Öteki Bilinç: Gerçeküstücülük ve İkinci Yeni” and “Türk Edebiyatında Modern Okumalar.”
Müesser has also published four volumes of poetry, both her own poems and translations from world poetry. Her books have been translated into a number of languages. She is the editor of Şiirden magazine, an İstanbul publication, and recently gave a talk on censorship at an event in Belgium organized by the writers’ association PEN and the Belgian magazine Akrostiş.