The Student Council elections were completed on November 24, and a new Executive Committee chosen. The new Student Council president is İlkercan Özgür from the Department of Political Science and Public Administration.
The general secretary of the Executive Committee is Berkcan Artuç (MAN/III). The other members of the committee and their areas of responsibility are as follows: Education, Ebrar Özodaşık (ELIT/II); Health, Sports and Culture, Halil Çağkan Erdoğan (IAED/III); Treasurer, Kadir Doğuş Güleryüz (CTIS/II).
Audit Committee members are Taha Kavlakoğlu (LAW/III), president; Orkun Altay Genç (EE/III); and Yusuf Samed İlerisoy (PSYC/III).

İlkercan Özgür (POLS/III)

Berkcan Artuç (MAN/III)

Halil Çağkan Erdoğan (IAED/III)

Ebrar Özodaşık (ELIT/II)

Kadir Doğuş Güleryüz (CTIS/II)