Thursday, November 9
“Türkiye’nin Ekonomisi,” by Selin Sayek Böke (CHP), at EE-01, 12:40 p.m. Organized by İşletme ve Ekonomi Topluluğu.
Wednesday, November 15
“Türkiye Avrupa Konseyi İlişkileri,” by Gülsün Bilgehan (CHP), at Mithat Çoruh Auditorium, 5:30 p.m. Organized by Siyaset Platformu Kulübü.
Tuesday, November 7
“Benim Varoş Hikayem” (My Suburban Stories; Yunus Ozan Korkut, 2017), at FADA, FFB-22, 5:40 p.m. Organized by COMD, to commemorate COMD alumnus and MA student Hüseyin Helvacıoğlu, who passed away recently. Filmmaker Yunus Ozan Korkut as well as Hüseyin’s friends and professors will be present at the screening.
Wednesday, November 8
“Noise” (Dan and Noit Geva, 2012), at FADA, FFB-06, 4:40 p.m. Organized by COMD. Filmmaker Dan Geva will introduce his film and answer questions after the screening.
“On Display: Interactive Art As Ergodic Text,” until November 14, between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. weekdays, at FADA Exhibition Hall. Organized by CCI, COMD and FADA.
“Color in Water on Paper,” at the Library Art Gallery, by Sait Günel, Ferzan Çuhadaroğlu, Vahap Demirbaş, Hayati Aslantaş, Müfit Yüksel, Mineke Reinders, Gülay Erdoğan, Svetlana İnaç, Orhan Gürel and Melike Taşçıoğlu, until November 14. Gallery hours are 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day (except Sundays).
Tuesday, November 7
“High-Throughput Decoding Methods and Architectures for Polar Codes with High Energy Efficiency and Low Latency,” by Onur Dizdar (Bilkent University), at EE-314, 10 a.m. Organized by EE.
Thursday, November 9
“Müzecilik Alanında Sosyal Medyanın Kullanımı,” by Mine Sofuoğlu (Manager, Koç Museum, Ankara), at the Tourism Building Banquet Room, 11:30 a.m. Organized by THM.
Thursday, November 16
“The Tourism Industry,” by Bora Belen (Sheraton Ankara), at the Tourism Building Banquet Room, 11:30 a.m. Organized by THM.
November 8, 15, 22
“Japon Kuklası,” by Department of Performing Arts (THEA) students, at the Bilkent Theater Hall, 8 p.m.
Thursday, November 9
“The 39 Steps,” at the Bilkent Chamber Theater, 8 p.m.
McKinsey Case Interview, at EE-01, 5 p.m. Registration: kariyer3@bilkent.edu.tr
Information meeting regarding DAAD Scholarship applications, at G-Building, GZ-55, 6 p.m.
Bilkent Symphony Orchestra
In collaboration with the Presidential Symphony Orchestra
In Memory of Atatürk
Saturday, November 11, 8 p.m.
Bilkent Concert Hall
Matthew Coorey, conductor
Genco Erkal, narrator
This Week at Bilkent Cinematics: The Conversation
Francis Ford Coppola’s “The Conversation” is the next offering from Bilkent Cinematics, on Wednesday, November 8.
“The Conversation” screens at 6 p.m. in FADA, FFB-05. All Cinematics movies are shown with subtitles, and snacks and beverages are offered. Everyone is welcome. For further details, contact Hossein Dabir at dabir@bilkent.edu.tr.
UNICEF Bazaar Looking for Donations
The 2017 UNICEF Charity Bazaar will be held the week of November 20 in Building 49 (the Rectorate House). New items will be offered for sale every day, with a lottery and suprises for those visiting the bazaar.
The UNICEF volunteers would appreciate any support and additional volunteers for this worthy occasion. Donations of clothing, household items, toys and books would be welcome. For information on making donation, please call Nilgün Baray at ext. 1688 or 532 615-1460.