Bilkent students enjoying a balmy October afternoon on the Main Alley.
Wednesday, October 25
“The Semantic Language of Architecture, Landscape Art and Interior Design Between History and Contemporaneity, Space and Time, and Landmarking and Landscaping of the ‘Genius Loci,’” by Fabrizio Iandiorio (Architect, Atelier -3), at FADA, FFB-06, 1:40 p.m. Organized by IAED.
Tuesday, October 24
“Assessing Campus Sustainability: Comparing Morphological Conditions of University Campuses in relation to Sustainability Strategies and Performances,” by Gizem Karabay (Urban Designer / Landscape Architect), at FADA, FFB-05, 1 p.m. Organized by LAUD.
Tuesday, October 24
“Küba’da Eğitim,” by Derya Ünlü (Jose Marti Küba Dostluğu), at B-114, 6:30 p.m. Organized by Güney ve Orta Amerika Kültürleri Topluluğu.
Thursday, October 26
“Intuition and Mathematical Objects,” by Kai Hauser (TU Berlin), at FEASS, A-130, 3:40 p.m. Organized by PHIL.
Wednesday, November 1
“Utopia in the Context of Morea’s Thought,” by Dr. Joanne Paul (University of Sussex), at the Main Campus Library Art Gallery, 12:40 p.m. Organized by CCI.
Tuesday, November 7
“High-Throughput Decoding Methods and Architectures for Polar Codes with High Energy Efficiency and Low Latency,” by Onur Dizdar (Bilkent University), at EE-314, 10 a.m. Organized by EE.
Thursday, October 26
“Green and Healthy Buildings,” by Zeynep Çakır (Expert on energy efficiency and green and healthy buildings), at RC-202, Tourism Building Banquet Room, 11:30 a.m. Organized by THM.
Friday, October 27
“Self-Synthesizing Peptide-based Materials,” by Prof. Gönen Ashenasy, at the UNAM Conference Room, 10:40 a.m. Organized by UNAM.
Bilkent Symphony Orchestra
“The Spirit of Festivity With Strings”
Saturday, October 28, 8 p.m.
Bilkent Concert Hall
Michael Maciaszczyk, conductor
Bilkent Cinematics
Quentin Tarantino’s wildly entertaining “Inglourious Basterds” will be Bilkent Cinematics’ next offering, on Wednesday, October 25 at 6 p.m. in FFB05. Everyone is welcome. All Cinematics movies are shown with English subtitles, and snacks and refreshments are always served. Contact Hossein Dabir at dabir@bilkent.edu.tr for more details.
Exhibition at the Library Art Gallery
All are invited to a new exhibition now on display in the Bilkent University Library Art Gallery. Featuring paintings by Sait Günel, Ferzan Çuhadaroğlu, Vahap Demirbaş, Hayati Aslantaş, Müfit Yüksel, Mineke Reinders, Gülay Erdoğan, Svetlana İnaç, Orhan Gürel and Melike Taşçıoğlu, the exhibit opened last week and will remain open for viewing through November 14. Gallery hours are 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day (except Sundays).
COMD Workshop With Vancouver Film School
The Department of Communication and Design is partnering with the Vancouver Film School (VFS) to offer a two-day intensive workshop, “From Script to Screen,” to be held October 30-31 at FADA foyer.
In this two-day program, students will discover the essential components of successful cinematic storytelling through lectures, workshops, and assigned exercises. On day one, guided by VFS industry instructors, students will learn about the basics of story, screenwriting, acting and directing. On day two, students will have the opportunity to apply these key concepts to their own moving master film projects. Working in groups of four or five, they will serve as cast and crew to execute stories they developed on the previous day. The program will conclude with a showcase of the students’ moving master films in a screening event to celebrate their work and allow them to share their stories with each other.
Instructors for the workshop will be Michael Baser, head of film and writing; Jennifer Clement, head of acting; and Bob Woolsey, instructor for production.
Those wishing to attend must register. To do so, please contact VFS Turkey representative Mert Tezel (tel. 533 624 2567; email mtezel@vfs.com).
Student Council Republic Cup
Student Council will hold a Republic Cup sports festival at the Spring Festival area this weekend, October 28-29, with activities beginning at 12 noon both days. The festival will include football, 3-on-3 basketball, table tennis and volleyball matches, as well as Tae Bo and Poundfit sessions and judo demonstrations. In addition to the sports activities, a DJ performance and Republic Day celebrations will take place.
Students who participate in any of the competitions or sessions will receive GE250/251 credit (10 points for each activity).
Please note that the location of the activities may change depending on weather conditions.