At Bilkent, if you’re in the right place at the right time, there’s a good chance you’ll see some spectacular scenery. When the light hitting our campus (which was planned to take advantage of the natural setting) is just right, some really striking views are created, especially when a bit of skyline is added here and there. In daytime you may encounter a variety of spectacles, possibly the most aesthetic ones. Night, though, has the ability to hide or change shapes and colors. For this reason, it’s truly refreshing to take a walk on a cold night, as your mind wanders through the blur of city lights and stars. I find such walks, particularly on our campus, to be quite delightful.
Coming back to our challenge, this time I experimented with lighting and distortion, rather than cropping parts of an object until only the only thing left is its signature. I’m assuming many will be familiar with our picture’s subject, but can you identify it under these circumstances? Let the guesses rain down!
Last week’s answer was the inner wall near the entrance of the International Children’s Center next to the library. Congratulations to those who had the right idea; I wish you all a nice week. See you with another picture when Bilkent News resumes publication next semester.
Please send your answers to iletisim@bilkent.edu.tr.