The International Chronicles

30 December 2014 Comments Off on The International Chronicles

Name: Narmin Alizada (MAN/II)

Name: Isabelle Yilec

Department: Tourism Hotel Management/II

Country of origin: Australia

What do you like best about Turkey?

I love Turkish hospitality, the warmth of all the locals. I don’t hesitate to ask Turkish people questions— they are so helpful. And of course, the summer holidays and destinations that Turkey offers as well—amazing!

Why Turkey?

Because of the easygoing Turkish lifestyle: you can go anywhere, and you will always be able to have a conversation and be offered tea.

What is your favorite place on campus, and why?

My favorite place is East Campus, because my faculty is there, and there is a warm atmosphere. Everybody knows each other; we enjoy a lot of laughs, good conversations and memories—good and bad—on East Campus.

What will you miss most about Turkey/Bilkent?

I’ll miss campus life at Bilkent. As much as we complain about living in the dorms, it is in my opinion the best and most memorable part of university life.

Where do expect to see yourself in 10 years?

I expect to become director of the rooms division at the Waldorf Astoria Dubai Palm Jumeirah 10 years from now. Part of the reason I am studying tourism is to be able to live and have a career in Dubai, which has a very similar culture and lifestyle to Turkey.

What is the hardest challenge you’ve overcome in Turkey?

The hardest challenge was to adapt to the lifestyle. In Australia, people have a very free and unrestricted lifestyle. When I came to Turkey, I felt a little restricted and had trouble accepting and adapting, but now I am beginning to accept and understand this lifestyle.

What cities have you visited in Turkey? Which one do you like the best?

I have been to İstanbul, Aydın, İzmir, Bodrum, Antalya, Adana, Manisa and Denizli. I fell in love with İstanbul, though Antalya was good as well.

What is one question you are asked frequently or the most interesting comment you’ve heard?

“Oh my God, your English accent is so weird, you speak too fast.”