The International Chronicles

09 February 2015 Comments Off on The International Chronicles


Name: Lam Wing Kei

Department: Sociology

Country of Origin: Hong Kong

What do you like best about Turkey?

The environment and the weather. Life at Bilkent and Turkey is relaxing and chilled out, which is totally different from the busy and stressful pace of life in Hong Kong. And Turkey’s weather is dry and cold. I love that. (Hong Kong is stuffy and wet.)

Are there any similarities between your culture and Turkey’s?

Some—people are nice and kind. They take the initiative to help others. From the first day I was

here, I have gotten help from

Turkish people everywhere (in the airport, on the street, in the store, etc.).

What will you miss most about Turkey/Bilkent?

The people here…friends from different countries. Because I am an exchange student, I meet lots of other exchange students from different countries. It is really great to share personal experiences and talk to each other. My roommate is from France, so I often ask her to teach me French.

What is your favorite place on campus and why?

Dorm 76, because I live in dorm 76. People on my floor are also nice.

Why Turkey?

It sounds nice and cool. There aren’t many Asians here, so I can step out of my comfort zone and try to enjoy the different lifestyle.

Where do expect to see yourself in 10 years?

I expect to be working in Hong Kong. Maybe I will have set up my own business.

What is the hardest challenge you’ve overcome in Turkey?

Missing home, because I have a strong relationship with my family. During the first few days, I was able to use the wifi here, so I could Skype with my family. However, the wifi didn’t work that well for a time after that, and I couldn’t Skype with them, which made me feel depressed.

What cities have you visited in Turkey? Which one do you like the best?

I haven’t traveled around Turkey, but I do like Ankara.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I love dancing, especially hip-hop dancing! In Hong Kong, I took some hip-hop courses, and I have performed at my college.

What is one question you are asked frequently or the most interesting comment you’ve heard?

Where do you come from?