The International Chronicles

23 February 2015 Comments Off on The International Chronicles


Name: Sophie Poteau

Department: IR/Erasmus

Country of Origin: France

What do you like best about Turkey?

Turkish people! I love the way I am welcomed; it’s a country where people are very warm.

Are there any similarities between your country’s culture and Turkey’s?

Yes, there are a lot of similarities in everyday life, but our cultures are still different in some aspects: religion, food (Turkish people eat so early!), music, style of teaching, etc.

What will you miss most about Turkey/Bilkent?

I arrived only three weeks ago, but already I can say that I’ll miss the huge Bilkent campus, my new friends, the songs, and the atmosphere in the classrooms (I mean that here the lectures are more like a conversation, and I really enjoy it because it makes us learn faster and in a smarter way).

What’s your favorite place on campus, and why?

My favorite place on campus is the fountain in front of A Building, when the sun is shining and I have a cup of tea in my hand. Or, the area in front of dorm 76 when it snows and you can have snowball fights after class ends.

Why Turkey?

I’d already been to Turkey when I was a child, and I really enjoyed the way of living. People are warm and relaxed, and services such as the buses and the bureaucracy are often unpredictable and complicated. I like this “peaceful disorder”; it’s interesting. I wanted to go to a very different country in terms of culture, and I study political science in France, so I thought that Turkey would be a very interesting country, especially considering its current political conditions.

What’s your favorite Turkish food/favorite aspect of Turkish culture?

I love Turkish food; I would say that my favorite foods are all the main dishes. I am not a fan of the syrup in the desserts, but the meals are so good! My favorite aspects of Turkish culture are the kindness of the people, the food and the tea.

Where do expect to see yourself in 10 years?

I really don’t know where I’ll be in 10 years. But I know that my story with Turkey won’t end at the end of the semester. I could live here for sure.

What is the hardest challenge you’ve overcome in Turkey?

No real challenges yet! Maybe the snow, and the fact that people in the city don’t speak English, but I wouldn’t call that a challenge.

What cities have you visited in Turkey? Which one do you like best?

I’ve only visited Eskişehir, but I plan on visiting İstanbul, İzmir and Bursa. Actually, I can’t wait to go to İstanbul!

What is one question you’re asked frequently or the most interesting comment you’ve heard here?

The question I hear every day is, “Where are you from?”, because I look very different here. But it’s always the beginning of a conversation with a new person who’s a potential new friend, so I’m pleased to answer.