The International Chronicles

02 March 2021 Comments Off on The International Chronicles


Name: Izaan Aamir

Department: Computer Engineering

Country of Origin: Pakistan

Are there any similarities between Turkey and your home country?

I really enjoy being around Turkish people. They’re so caring and friendly. I also love the food and incredible architecture. Almost breathtaking!

What do you like best about Turkey?

Turkey and Pakistan have some similarities, like religion and food. It almost feels like a second home at this point.

What will you miss most about Bilkent/Turkey?

Meeting people from all over the world and learning about their cultures.

What’s your favorite place on campus, and why?

I definitely prefer the Bilka hill; there’s a certain serenity one experiences while sitting there.

What’s your favorite Turkish food and/or favorite part of Turkish culture?

I love lahmacun and İskender kebap, since you can’t really find them in Pakistan.

Where do you expect to see yourself 10 years from now?

In 10 years, I’ll have completed my master’s degree and will be looking toward my next set of goals.

What’s the hardest challenge you’ve handled in Turkey?

Definitely the language barrier; I struggled a lot with it at the beginning.

What cities have you visited in Turkey, and which one is your favorite?

I got to visit İstanbul, Konya and Bursa during the winter break. İstanbul has to be my favorite place to visit.

Describe yourself in three words.

Chatty, passionate and curious.

What’s an interesting question or comment you hear frequently about Bilkent/Turkey?

“How bad is the language barrier? It can’t be that bad!”