The International Chronicles

24 October 2022 Comments Off on The International Chronicles


Name: Maryam Masoud

Department: Political Science and Public Administration

Country of Origin: Afghanistan

What do you like best about Turkey?
The sound of azan, the historic landmarks, the ruins and the food.

Are there any similarities between Turkey and your home country?
I believe there are a lot of cultural similarities between Afghanistan and Turkey. One of many would be that both cultures tend to put family before personal interests.

What will you miss most about Bilkent/Turkey?
I will miss the food and the cute little cafés.

What’s your favorite place on campus, and why?
My favorite place is Bilka because it has a very nice view of the city.

What’s your favorite Turkish food and/or favorite part of Turkish culture?
I love the hospitality of Turkish people, and I am obsessed with baklava served with ice cream.

Where do you expect to see yourself 10 years from now?
I see myself working with the State Department and traveling around the world for leisure.

What’s the hardest challenge you’ve handled in Turkey?
I believe the language barrier is the hardest challenge. I love talking to people and listening to their stories, but because I don’t speak Turkish, I cannot do that.

What places have you visited in Turkey, and which one is your favorite?
I have visited Konya, İstanbul, Aydın, Denizli, Burdur, Beypazarı and İzmir. İstanbul is my favorite so far.

What’s an interesting question or comment you hear frequently at Bilkent/in Turkey?
The Turkish language sounds very lovely and friendly, and I like how people greet you with “Hoş̧geldiniz” literally everywhere.

Describe yourself in three words.
Ambitious, outgoing, considerate.