The International Chronicles

16 November 2015 Comments Off on The International Chronicles


Name: Maria Hussain

Department: Psychology/Erasmus

Country of Origin: United Kingdom

What do you like best about Turkey?

I’m in love with the culture surrounding Turkey and the food.

Are there any similarities between your country’s culture and Turkey’s?

Yes, Ankara has a very westernized culture which is similar to that of western Europe, so it almost feels like I’m at home.

What will you miss most about Turkey/Bilkent?

How big the campus is, the people I’ve met, and generally the inviting and fun environment.

What’s your favorite place on campus, and why?

The cafes, such as Bilka, because they’re fun places to hang out with friends.

Why Turkey?

I wanted to experience the traditions and culture, and besides, it’s a new place.

What’s your favorite Turkish food/favorite part of Turkish culture?

My favorite Turkish food is baklava, and my favorite part of Turkish culture is the traditional Turkish dances.

Where do expect to see yourself 10 years from now?

Hopefully, working in the medical field as a doctor or consultant.

What’s the hardest challenge you’ve overcome in Turkey?

Definitely the language barrier. That has proven to be quite difficult.

What cities have you visited in Turkey? Which one do you like the best?

I’ve visited Fethiye and Cappadocia. I loved Cappadocia, as I found it so beautiful and relaxing.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I love singing.

What’s a question you’re asked frequently, or the most interesting comment you’ve heard at Bilkent/in Turkey?

I get so many questions about my ethnicity and whether I’m Turkish!