The International Chronicles

19 April 2016 Comments Off on The International Chronicles


530 (300 x 420)Name: Nadira Puteri Kusaeni

Department: IR/II

Country of Origin: Indonesia

What do you like best about Turkey?

Turkey is very rich in its cultural heritage, so every city is worth visiting! The best thing is that most of them are very well preserved.

Are there any similarities between your country’s culture and Turkey’s?

I think we both love foreigners and get really curious when we meet one! The Turkish hospitality also reminds me of home.

What will you miss most about Turkey/Bilkent?

I’ll miss the tea culture, where people get together to chat and drink tea.

What’s your favorite place on campus, and why?

Marmara! A lot of food at an affordable price, though sometimes their food could be better.

Why Turkey?

I never thought that I would study in Turkey! However, the fact that Turkey is located between Asia and Europe is important for my studies in international relations.

What’s your favorite Turkish food/favorite part of Turkish culture?

This may be surprising, but I really love midye dolması! I feel like buying a large packet of it to take home. I wonder if it will survive the 12-hour flight?

Where do you expect to see yourself 10 years from now?

Working in the development sector for Indonesia.

What’s the hardest challenge you’ve overcome in Turkey?

I think the hardest challenge was getting stared at while walking in the city and getting asked a lot of random questions by strangers. Now I’m getting used to it.

What cities have you visited in Turkey? Which one do you like the best?

I love the food in Gaziantep, but if I were to choose which city I liked the most, I would say Istanbul. A diverse, metropolitan city with an amazing cultural heritage. Who would not be proud of Istanbul?!

Do you have any hidden talents?

Türkçe biliyorum!!! People get really surprised when I start speaking Turkish.

What’s a question you’re asked frequently, or the most interesting comment you’ve heard at Bilkent/in Turkey?

“Where are you from?? Japan? China?….Oh, Indonesia. I would really love to visit South Africa!” I think this was the most interesting comment I’ve heard from a Bilkent student!