The Sporting Life

07 October 2019 Comments Off on The Sporting Life

Name: Müge Uğuz

Department: IR

How often do you exercise?

My target is three times a week.

How has regular exercise affected your life?

I have more friends, feel much more energetic and have a healthier body, equipped with a positive mind.

What do you suggest to those who are just taking up a sport or starting to exercise?

Find out what your favorite sports are, and don’t give up. If you find yourself making excuses, it means you haven’t discovered your “best-friend” sport yet.

What are the first three things that come to mind when you hear the word “sports”?

Strength, self-knowledge, positive energy.

Which Bilkent sports facilities (sports halls, playing fields, tennis courts, etc.) do you use? Have you taken any courses or participated in any activities?

I use the Main Sports Hall, the swimming pool and the basketball courts; I’ve taken yoga classes and participated in the “who’s the strongest?” Spring Fest activity.