The Sporting Life

09 March 2021 Comments Off on The Sporting Life

Name: Ahmet Berke Gökmen

Department: CS

How often do you exercise?

I try to exercise at least four times a week.

How has regular exercise affected your life? 

Before I started exercising regularly, I actually didn’t have much order in my life. I ate junk food, stayed up late and didn’t care about my health. After I got into the habit of exercising, I became more social, stopped staying up late and started eating healthy food. The good thing is that it affected not only my daily life, but also my academic life. Since I now had the habit of waking up early and eating healthily, I always felt energetic. This allowed me to study more and more without getting bored so easily during the university exam period.

What do you suggest to those who are just taking up a sport or starting to exercise?

One thing I’ve always regretted is that when I first started, I didn’t know anything about sports and, specifically, fitness. That’s why I didn’t make any progress at the beginning, and that made me frustrated. I suggest to those who are just getting started that they ask a trainer what to do – what kind of training/exercise program to follow, etc. – and what to eat. Another suggestion is, don’t ever forget that doing sports isn’t just an activity; it has the potential to change your life and turn it into something better.

What are the first three things that come to mind when you hear the word “sports”?

1- Fitness

2- Food

3- Feeling alive

Which Bilkent sports facilities do you use, and what activities have you participated in?

I mostly use the gyms in the Sports Halls; I haven’t participated in any activities yet, but I’d love to.