The Sporting Life

06 April 2021 Comments Off on The Sporting Life

Name: Meliha Koç

Department: CTIS

How often do you exercise?

At least four days a week.

How has regular exercise affected your life? 

Besides improving the way my body looks, it has helped my sleep schedule and mental health.

What are the first three things that come to mind when you hear the word “sports”?

Health, strength, continuity.

What do you suggest to those who are just taking up a sport or starting to exercise?

You should know that sports is something that has to be done on a regular basis. Also, exercising is never easy at first, but if you want to see any results, you’ve got to work hard and not skip it.

Which Bilkent sports facilities (Sports Halls, playing fields, tennis courts, etc.) do you use? Have you taken any courses or participated in any activities (intramural tournaments, swim festivals, Zumba master classes, etc.)?

I always use the fitness–conditioning area in the Dormitories Sports Hall. I haven’t taken any courses yet, but I’m looking forward to doing so.