The Sporting Life

27 April 2021 Comments Off on The Sporting Life

Name: Duru Bayındır

Department: Management

How often do you exercise?

I try to exercise at least five times a week. I skate and do Pilates/fitness workouts.

How has regular exercise affected your life? 

Regular exercise has made me feel like a person who’s healthier, stronger and calmer. I feel like I’m a better version of myself.

What are the first three things that come to mind when you hear the word “sports”?

Relaxation; joy; increased quality of life.

What do you suggest to those who are just taking up a sport or starting to exercise?

I believe there’s a type of exercise for everyone. We should just discover what we like. So my first suggestion would be, find a type of exercise that you enjoy, and don’t force yourself to do something you don’t truly enjoy. Second, be easy on yourself about the results and shift your mindset into believing the journey is more important than the results. Otherwise, exercise won’t serve you and after a while will just bore you.

Which Bilkent sports facilities (Sports Halls, playing fields, tennis courts, etc.) do you use?

Have you taken any courses or participated in any activities (intramural tournaments, swim festivals, Zumba master classes, etc.)?

This semester I’ve only used the skate park. However, during the past four years I used all the sports halls on a regular basis. Also before COVID, I regularly participated in PoundFit and stretching classes.