The Sporting Life

09 November 2021 Comments Off on The Sporting Life

Name: Gözde Köksal

Department: Psychology

How often do you exercise?

Five times a week.

How has regular exercise affected your life? 

Regular exercise has had a real impact on my daily life. There has been a serious change in my sleeping and nutrition habits at the same time as I’ve gained physical fitness.

What do you suggest to those who are just taking up a sport or starting to exercise?

Most of the job is starting a gym routine. Continuous effort is the key factor for succeeding in your goals.

What are the first three things that come to mind when you hear the word “sports”?

Discipline, concentration, strength.

Which Bilkent sports facilities do you use?

I regularly use the fitness center in the Main Sports Hall.

Have you taken any courses or participated in any Sports Center activities?

I’d like to participate in some activities before graduating.