Why Should I Exercise?

02 March 2021 Comments Off on Why Should I Exercise?

What’s so great about exercise? Here’s a long list of benefits that physical activity can provide. Exercise may…

1-Reduce the risk of a heart attack.

2-Increase muscular strength.

3-Improve cardiovascular circulation.

4-Help control weight.

5-Improve posture.

6-Improve athletic performance.

7-Increase the quality of life.

8-Reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

9-Help you go to sleep more readily.

10-Promote attentiveness and creativity.

11-Strengthen the immune system.

12-Help you cope with stress more effectively.

13-Help reduce the percentage of body fat.

14-Increase high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels in the blood.

15-Reduce the risk of arrhythmia.

16-Increase muscle mass.

17-Enhance immunity against common wintertime illnesses.

18-Maximize oxygen utilization.

19-Decrease resting heart rate.

20-Alleviate some menstrual difficulties.

21-Help hormones function more harmoniously and effectively.

22-Strengthen bones.

23-Increase muscle and joint flexibility.

24-Increase physical stamina.

25-Increase blood plasma volume.

26-Reduce the time required to return to the resting heart rate after exertion.

27-Reduce blood density, and therefore the risk of circulatory disorders.

28-Reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

29-Increase comprehension.

30-Increase productivity at school.

31-Increase self-confidence.

32-Help you meet people and make new friends.

33-Promote the establishment of a regular sleep routine.

34-Reduce the occurrence of many types of headaches.

35-Alleviate discomfort such as back pain.

36-Increase bones’ density and resistance to breakage.

37-Reduce triglyceride levels in the blood.

38-Strengthen the heart muscle.

39-Prevent obesity from developing over time.

40-Increase energy, making it easier to get through your everyday routine.

41-Help you develop an independent lifestyle.

42-Regulate your general mood.

43-Help reduce healthcare costs.

44-Facilitate control of blood sugar levels.

45-Enable you to burn more calories by increasing the basal metabolic rate.

46-Increase the amount of oxygen fed to the brain.

47-Help regulate blood pressure.

48-Make the formation of blood clots less likely.

49-Increase glycose tolerance.

50-Reduce the need to take medication.

51-Strengthen respiratory system muscles.

52-Increase the lungs’ diffusion capacity.

53-Help to preserve lean body tissue.

54-Motivate you to eat a balanced diet.

55-Make you more aware of issues concerning health.

56-Slow down joint deterioration.

57-Increase oxygen levels in the lungs.

58-Help to preserve muscle mass.

59-Reduce abdominal fat, which is a risk factor for a number of diseases.

60-Help you quit smoking.

61-Regulate the heart rate.

62-Help the heart pump blood more efficiently.

63-Increase muscle and joint flexibility.

64-Reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

65-Help regulate intestinal function.

66-Help protect against injuries.

67-Increase cartilage tissue in the joints.

68-Help you develop a healthy lifestyle.

The Physical Education and Sports Center