Volume 10, Number 6
28 October 2003

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Happy October 29th!
80th Anniversary of the Turkish Republic...

80th Republic Day Special Concert - II Program

Tuesday, October 28, at the Bilkent Concert Hall at 8 p.m.
Conductor: Emil Tabakov
Piano: Gülsin Onay
F. Tüzün / Turkish Capriccio
E. Tabakov / Piano Concerto
L.van Beethoven / Symphony No.8 in F major, Op.93

Alisbah Fellowship Awarded to MATH Students

Two students, Ergun Yanareri (PhD), and Ali Nabi Duman (3rd Year), received the “Orhan Alisbah Fellowship Award” on October 22, at the Department of Mathematics awards ceremony.
The Orhan Alisbah Fellowship is conferred in memory of Prof. Orhan Alisbah (1910-1989), one of the best known mathematicians in Turkey.
Every year since 1998, Prof. Bilsel Alisbah, son of Orhan Alisbah, has awarded fellowships to students in the Department of Mathematics at Bilkent.
This fellowship ensures that the memory of Prof. Alisbah is not forgotten, and continues to serve as an exemplary role model for young mathematicians.

Also in this issue:

Class Representatives Elected

Elections for the Class Representatives concluded on Friday, October 24. Due to the low turn-out of voters during election week, only 27 Class Representatives out of a possible 165 were elected. The Election results for the Class Representatives can be found at www.bilkent.edu.tr/konsey
The election of Department Representatives at Departments and the election of Faculty/School Representatives at Faculties and Schools will take place on Monday, October 27 and Tuesday, October 28 at the respective academic units.
Friday, October 31 will be the last day of the 2003 elections and the election of the University Student Council Executive Committee will be finalized at 11 a.m. at the Student Union Zeynep Köksal Meeting Room.

Turkish Economy Research Award Presented

Drs. Bilin Neyaptı, Fatma Taşkın, and Murat Üngör, a Master’s student, all from the Department of Economics, have been named as recipients of the “TOBB (the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Turkey) Research Award on the Turkish Economy”, in recognition of their co-authored paper presented at the 7th International METU Conference in Economics.
The award-winning paper was entitled: “Has Custom Union Really Affected Turkey’s Trade?”. Every year, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkey (TOBB) recognizes original scientific research with an award.

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