Volume 11, Number 21         8 March 2005

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Claude Magnier’s “Blaise” on Stage

Bilkent Department of Theater students are currently performing “Blaise,” a 20th-century French play (in Turkish translation). The production premiered on March 4 in the Faculty of Music and Performing Arts Building. The play, originally in three acts, is staged in two acts in this version. At the premier, the production favorably impressed the audience, thanks to the successful performances of the student actors and actresses.
“Blaise” is a comedy that deals with a universal theme: although people will do almost anything for wealth, in the end what really matters is love.
The play never loses its focus on this ethical dilemma, at the same time as it makes the audience laugh. It shows how, in the end, the purity that exists in each of us can overcome false values and unethical behavior, and that love can bring about this revolution.
Additional performances of this relevant and enjoyable play, performed by the young actors and actresses of the Department of Theater, will take place March 11-18 and April 1 and 15.
General Artistic Director: Prof. Cüneyt Gökçer
Author: Claude Magnier
Translator: Eser Belül
Director: George Antadze
Ariane Clarence:
Ayşegül Alpak
Gizem Koyuncu
Blaise D’Ambrie:
Cemil Büyükdöğerli
Özgür Keçeci
Marie: Burcu Güner
Eda Aydınlı
Genevieve: Pınar Töre
Özlem Kırkpantur
Mösyö Kleber Carlier: Mustafa Bilgin
Madame Carlier:
Özge Mirzalı
Laura Carlier:
Aslı Gökçen
Esin Belül
Pepita: İpek Türktan
For ticket information and reservations please call ext. 1775.


Bilkent Campaign Helps Diyarbakır School

Last month, Bilkent University Student Council and Kulüp Başkent joined forces to organize a campaign to assist a school in Diyarbakır's Bismil district. With the support of Bilkent University and the enthusiastic participation of its students and staff members, school supplies and equipment were collected at Bilkent on February 24. These included 96 student desks,
5 large desks, 2 boards, 15 boxes of books, 15 boxes of clothing, and sporting goods.
On February 25, the items were sent to Diyarbakır, and Bilkent Student Council President Ali Savcı, Kulüp Başkent Chairman Şeymus Arslan, and Student Council Vice-President Erkam Çömez, along with their friends Tanfer Türemen and İsmail Lekesiz, went to the school. There, the district governor and the school principal welcomed them, and the students eagerly accepted the materials.
The children's smiling faces were the greatest reward for the Bilkent students’ efforts. The school principal reflected that these students, like other students all over Turkey, want to be educated in order to become responsible citizens. This kind of campaign, therefore, contributes not only to a specific school, but to the future of Turkey as well.
Student Council and Kulüp Başkent are planning another campaign to collect school supplies for next month. Additional information will later be published in the Bilkent News.

Also in this issue:

Career Corner

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The Career Fair, which will take place this week on Thursday, March 10, is a great opportunity for you to meet with representatives from different companies, and learn about those companies and their recruitment policies.
For profiles of companies participating in this year's Career Fair, please see the insert.
Here are more important notes from CDPC:
-The MP3 Player Lottery will take place on Tuesday, March 15 at
3 p.m. in the Zeynep Köksal Hall in the Student Council Building. Students who have handed their CVs in to CDPC are invited to attend the lottery, at which 10 students will receive MP3 players. The names of the winners will appear in the Bilkent News on March 22. Good luck, everyone!

-Career Days 2005 participants may receive certificates by registering with CDPC after having attended a minimum of 12 Career Days activities.
To register, please come to the CDPC office in the Student Union Building by March 21 at the latest.
Below is a listing of this week's Career Days activities:
Tuesday, March 8
12:30 p.m.:
Akademik Kariyer,
Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Oral, Faculty of Science,
A-Block 240
2 p.m.:    
İç Mimari'de Kariyer Öyküleri, Atelye Derin, Yalın Tan-Jeyan Ülkü, FADA, FFB-05
5:30 p.m.    
Hedef Belirleme ve NLP Group Work, Gülhan Berkman, Berkman Danışmanlık, Student Council Building, Zeynep Köksal Hall.a

Bilkent Symphony Orchestra Concert Program

Saturday, March 12
at 8 p.m.
Bilkent Concert Hall

Bilkent Symphony Orchestra
Klaus Weise, Conductor
Vesselin Paraschkevov, Violin

L. Beethoven, Violin Concerto D major
Op. 61

B. Bartok, Concerto for Orchestra

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