Faces on Campus

By İlker Köksal (CS/II) Güher Kayalı (CS/II)

Name: Eren Giritli (ECON/II)
What is your favorite triple?
a) Movie: A Beautiful Mind (2001)
b) Book: In the Name of Identity: Violence and the Need to Belong by Amin Maalouf
c) Song: "Zar Ustası" by Mustafa Taş
Can you describe yourself in 3 words? "Love, money, freedom."
Who would you be if you lived in the past? "Ulubatlı Hasan." 
If I were invisible just for a day, I would like to...
"enter dormitory 76."
My dream job is... Because...
"being the director of Central Bank because of power and career."
The place that you feel happy on campus is...
"in front of dormitory 76."
I have never..."been a referee."
What would be your last message on earth? "I am always late for what I had earlier.”



Name: Dilem Güner (CS/II)
What is your favorite triple?
a) Movie: Schindler's List (1993)
b) Book: The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
c) Song: "Wind of Change" by The Scorpions
Can you describe yourself in 3 words?
"Energetic, positive, self-reliant."
Who would you be if you lived in the past? "Marie Curie."
If I were invisible just for a day, I would like to... "walk into a room that is completely filled with mirrors."
My dream job is... Because...
"becoming a gourmet because a gourmet is someone who enjoys good food!"
The place that you feel happy on campus is... "FMPA Mozart Cafe"
I have never... "slept in the street."
What would be your last message on earth? "Time is the best teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its students."




Name: Efe Utku Ural (HART/IV)
What is your favorite triple?
a) Movie: Sybil (2007)
b) Book: The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
c) Song: "Kashmir" by Led Zeppelin
Can you describe yourself in 3 words?
"Stubborn, typical Virgo, complete Dadaist."
Who would you be if you lived in the past? "Marcel Duchamp."  
If I were invisible just for a day, I would like to...
"play the guitars of the all music shops in the Tünel."
My dream job is... Because...
"being a modern artist."
The place that you feel happy on campus is... "the road from main campus to Real."
I have never... "lied, which is a lie."
What would be your last message on earth? "Peace at home, peace in the world."