Volume 6, Number 20
20 March 2000

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Crucial Stages of Havel's Life on View

Various segments of the Czech President Vaclav Havel's life between 1968-2000 have been captured on film by Oldrich Skacha, Havel's personal photographer for more than 30 years. Skacha's camera recorded the activities of independent intellectuals during the glorious Prague Spring of 1968, a short spell of freedom during the 40 years of communist rule in Czechoslovakia that was suppressed by Soviet tanks on August 21, 1968. The exhibition will be in three sections: the first section will deal with Mr. Havel during the events of August 1968, the second will cover the period of Charter 77, a human rights manifesto, and the third will focus on the president's life after 1989. The majority of photos date back to the 1970s, the most difficult period of Vaclav Havel's life...

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Celebrate World Poetry Day

At its 30th session held in Paris in October-November 1999, UNESCO designated March 21 as "World Poetry Day". All countries have been invited to join in the worldwide celebrations on that date. Accordingly, the Center for Turkish Literature at Bilkent University will cooperate with the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO to celebrate the inaugural "World Poetry Day" in Ankara.

The Center for Turkish Literature is organizing multi-lingual readings of poetry from a variety of continents. Poems in English, French, German, Persian, Arabic, Irish, Norwegian, Japanese, and other languages, in addition to Turkish, will be read...

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Also in this issue:

Ambassadors See Hard Work for Turkey Ahead

On March 8, the ambassadors of Greece, Portugal, and Spain met at Bilkent for a panel discussion on EU membership. At a time when Turkey is a strong nominee for European Union membership, the ambassadors discussed their countries' experiences before and after entering the union.

Doğan Tılıç of the Association of European Journalists, in opening the panel, said Greece, Portugal, and Spain were specifically chosen for the discussion because of the similar pattern they went through during their membership negotiations.

Ambassadors at Bilkent

According to Jesus Atienza, the ambassador of Spain, the main factor for Spain to be accepted was that the Spaniards have always been aware of the necessity of political, social, and cultural, and not just economic, integration with Europe. He stated that once they joined the union, they had new rules to follow, a new sense of purpose, and a new image. Despite the long negotiations and all the setbacks, acceptance was worth all the effort. "Because," he said, "the EU can be without Spain, but Spain cannot be without the EU!"...
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Calendar for Student Union Elections

On March 8, the Election Board announced the following calendar for elections to the Student Executive Committee and the Student Union.

March 20-23 (Monday, 9 a.m.-Thursday, 5 p.m.):
Candidates for the Student Executive Committees fill in application forms and submit them to the Office of the Deam or Director of their faculty, school, or institute.
March 27-30 (Monday - Thursday):
Each candidate's eligibility is cheched.
Monday, April 10: Names of eligible candidates are announced throuhg publication in Billkent News and are posted within each faculty, school, or institute...

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