Volume 7, Number 13
11 December 2000

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Economics Student Wins History Journalism Award

Ömer Turan (ECON/IV)
On December 1, Ömer Turan (ECON/IV) took first place in Üniversite Öğrencileri Tarih Yarışması (the University Student Competition in History)...

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OR Club Gets Full ESTIEM Membership

Four members of the Organizational Research (OR) Club, Görkem Bedir, Damla Ahipaşaoğlu, Umut Ergunsu and Arda Çetiner, recently travelled to Cambridge University in the UK to participate in the 21st Council Meeting of ESTIEM...

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Also in this issue:

Important Notice about Spring 2001 Registrations

Students who will be registering for the Spring 2001 semester are reminded to:

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Bilkent Clubs Join European Youth Festival

Last week in Ankara, the second European Youth Festival brought together music, dance and theatre groups from Turkey and many other countries in Europe... Bilkent students at the European Youth Festıval

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Bilkent News Welcomes Feedback From Readers.
This newsletter will print letters received from readers.
Please submit your letters to bilnews@bilkent.edu.tr
or to the Communications Unit, Engineering Building, room EG-23, ext. 1487.
The Editorial Board will review the letters and print according to available space.

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