Volume 7, Number 17
19 February 2001

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Prof. Yalabık Becomes Associate Provost

Prof. Cemal Yalabık, Chair of the Department of Physics, has been appointed Associate Provost for the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs...

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Get Organized With "What’s On"

Are you using the "What’s On" website to help organize your weekly or monthly schedule? Check this site regularly to find out what events are happening on campus and around town which might be of interest to you; or use it to schedule an event...

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Also in this issue:

Message From Dean Zeynep Köksal

"As I bid farewell to the Bilkent community, of which I have been a part for a long time, I would like to share some thoughts with you. By leaving, I wish to create opportunities to refresh both myself and the institution...

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Conference Emphasizes Teaching Beginners

The sixth international BUSEL Conference, organized by the Bilkent University School of English Language, was held at Bilkent Hotel on February 15 through 17, with the focus of "Challenges and Creativity in Teaching Beginners"...

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Bilkent News Welcomes Feedback From Readers.
This newsletter will print letters received from readers.
Please submit your letters to bilnews@bilkent.edu.tr
or to the Communications Unit, Engineering Building, room EG-23, ext. 1487.
The Editorial Board will review the letters and print according to available space.

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