Volume 10, Number 1
23 September 2003

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From the Rector

Dear Members of Bilkent Community,
Public services offered by Bilkent set a good example to other institutions in this part of the world. The Bilkent Library for example, spends annually more than any other in the country for books and journals, and is open to public free of charge, 362 days a year. The public cultural activities of our Faculty of Music and Performing Arts are nationally, indeed internationally recognized. Meanwhile Bilkent students volunteer programs offering services such as computer classes and English tutorials to economically disadvantaged areas of Ankara and are emulated by others in diverse institutions. External evaluators to Bilkent, state that the education received by our students is outstanding both in depth as well as in breadth.
For a university that is less than twenty years old, this truly is a remarkable achievement. You made it happen. The key to this success story has been teamwork and the Bilkent spirit that strives for an ever-continuing search for improvements. Within the constraints of the university budget and its resources, it has been the quality of your ideas and suggestions, that has made a difference. Although we cannot implement every single recommendation, the e-mails you send to my colleagues and me are greatly appreciated, and help us in our efforts to serve you better. I will try to read every e-mail to rector@bilkent.edu.tr (no attachments please), and look forward to hearing from you.
With best wishes for the new academic year.

Ali Doğramacı

New Election System for the Student Council

New bylaws were adopted in April 2003 by the Interuniversity Council to govern student representation as well as the structure and organization of student councils in all Universities in Turkey.
The Bilkent University Senate passed new “Student Council Regulations” (Öğrenci Konseyi Yönergesi) to conform with the bylaws in August 1, 2003.
Accordingly, student elections of the 2003-2004 academic year will take place with a new election system in October 2003. The election process will start on September 30, 2003 and will end at the end of October 2003.

Click, to read the whole text

Also in this issue:

Prof. İhsan Doğramacı: “This is Your University, Not Ours”

Based on the results announced by the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM), Bilkent University continues to attract Turkey’s best students. This year Bilkent University was chosen by 30 of the 100 top-scorers of the 2003 University Entrance Exam.
Last week, on September 17, these top-scorers visited Prof. Doğramacı. Hocabey pointed out the important role of the students in a university and welcomed them with these words: “This is your university, not ours. This is your home.” Gülsin Onay, a famous pianist, also joined the meeting with a short performance of Chopin for the students.

From the Dean of Students

Dear Students,
Welcome aboard! As part of the life journey that you have already embarked upon, the university experience is one of the most important crossroads that you will come to as you nourish your mind, spirit and body.

Click, to read the whole text

Top-scorer at Bilkent

The Bilkent News interviewed the 2003 University Entrance Exam top scorer Emre Kacar last week. Like other newcomers, he was very busy with the Orientation Program in his first week at Bilkent.
Emre, who took first place in quantitative, equally-rated and verbal scores, has chosen Bilkent’s Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department.
Emre told us that “Bilkent is the best place to excel academically in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The main reason I chose Bilkent was because it’s a foundation university and it has better academic and social facilities when compared to other universities in Turkey. Another important reason is that Bilkent is highly recognized internationally. I am interested in an academic career, and that is what I want to pursue after graduation, either in Turkey or abroad.”
Emre was born in Rize and lived in Konya for 14 years. He has been preparing himself for the exam for 7 years and decided to come to Bilkent 2 years ago. Being a top scorer surprised Emre. He says “I knew that I would be successful, but I didn’t expect such a result. After the exam, when I was checking the answers, I was like ‘this is correct, this is correct, correct, correct...’ when I realized that all the answers I gave were correct, I was really excited. This result brought my family more happiness than I can imagine.”
Emre is also very interested in cinema. He said he has already applied to be a member of the Cinema Club during the orientation. We wish Emre success in both his academic and social life at Bilkent.

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