Faces on Campus

By İlker Köksal (CS/II)

Name: Lütfi Can Bulut (THEA/PREP)
What is your favorite triple?
a) Movie: Into The Wild (2007)
b) Book: The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosinski
c) Song: "Hard Sun" by Eddie Vedder
Can you describe yourself in 3 words? "Friendly, energetic, cheerful."
Who would you be if you lived in the past? "Leonardo da Vinci."
If I were invisible just for a day, I would like to... "go to Alice's Wonderland."
My dream job is... Because... "becoming a theater owner because I need to say something to people."
The place that you feel happy on campus is... "everywhere that I am happy with my close friends ."
I have never... "given anyone a second chance."
What would be your last message on earth? "Enough for consumption; lets produce something."



Name: Hakan Saraç (BIM/PREP)
What is your favorite triple?
a) Movie: Fight Club (1999)
b) Book: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
c) Song: "Böyle Gelmiş Böyle Geçer Dünya" by Deniz Seki
Can you describe yourself in 3 words?  "Honest, ambitious, helpful."
Who would you be if you lived in the past? "Mustafa Kemal Atatürk."
If I were invisible just for a day, I would like to... "disturb my close friends."
My dream job is... Because...
"advertising because I want to create interesting things."
The place that you feel happy on campus is... "sports hall."
I have never... "said never."
What would be your last message on earth? "Laugh and talk too much; be happy."