The day will come, sooner or later, when you ask yourself; "Do I really belong in economics? Really? Are you sure?" So here is a quiz I've prepared for you to not make any irreversible mistakes. And hey, you are welcome. Really. And I'm sure.

1. Here in the Department of Economics, we need smart people. You should, at least, look like one. Do you think you can do that? Oh, yeah? How come?
a) I keep my mouth wide open during classes, as if the things instructor says hypnotizes me. I might even sometimes drool, but that's another story.
b) I wear glasses, and so there you go: I am a know-it-all. That works even in 2010.
c) I occasionally talk to myself out loud, and it really helps.

2. Speaking of smartness, is it okay for you if someone from EE department applies for a minor in economics to your department?
a) Yes, please.
b) No, thanks.
c) If she's a girl, why not?

3. You have a date tonight but no money in your pocket. You would:
a) Borrow from your roommate and pay him back later with an interest rate.
b) Steal from your roommate instead.
c) Want your date to pay it tonight, and just before you have to pay her back, break up with her.

4. What does the following number look like: 1.95?
a) An exchange rate.
b) What? What is an exchange rate?
c) Millions of dollars of your personal wealth (If so, please give me a call).
d) Your future CGPA.

Check Next Week for the Answers.