
No, this is not about fashion or personal élan, no matter how hip you are. We're talking style as in grammar, punctuation, English language usage: academic style manuals and usage. Yes, grammar can be fun.
I believe we should begin with ourselves: Bilkent News. The reader will notice some subtle changes over the next few weeks. The editorial staff at Bilkent News will begin using the Associated Press Style Guide for publication style. Yes, we'll look just like the The New York Times. OK, maybe not, but there is no harm in trying one's best.

We want you to submit your writing - and please continue to invigorate it with personality, levity, and/or gravitas - but please do not be alarmed (we are trained professionals after all) if we change your capitalization or muck about with present and past tense. The editorial staff of Bilkent News will correct all news, features, and opinion pieces to conform to AP usage.