Bilkenters Plant Trees for Personal Development

As a part of Personal Development Days, the Career Center organized a tree planting in cooperation with the Environmental Planning and Protection Unit on February 26. Almost 160 students from various departments and Career Center and Environmental Planning and Protection Unit staff gathered at the Main Campus Parking Area across from the  Faculty of Economics, Administrative, and Social Sciences.

Before heading for the planting area, Kaya Ulaş, a forest engineer from the Environmental Planning and Protection Unit, showed students a few tree-planting basics. Afterwards, every student planted his or her own tree accordingly.

This year, the Career Center gave Bilkenters the opportunity to learn more about sectors by Sector Introduction Days, which was followed by Personal Development Days.

A Career Fair will also be held on Thursday, March 17. For more information always keep an eye on the billboards around campus and regularly check your Webmail account. Also visit: