Prof. Doğramacı to Lecture on "Pre-University Education: the Bilkent Experience"

This Wednesday, October 5, from 12:40 to 1:30 p.m., Prof. Dr. Ali Doğramacı, president of Bilkent University and chair of the Board of Trustees, will deliver the first Library Lunchtime Lecture for this semester, entitled "Pre-University Education: the Bilkent Experience." In his talk, Prof. Doğramacı will examine the significance of primary and secondary schools within Bilkent's broader vision.

The educational mission of a university is typically directed toward graduates of high schools or universities. Bilkent University excels in this area, providing world-class undergraduate and graduate education. Why then does Bilkent also comprise primary and secondary schools in Ankara and elsewhere? This and related questions will be addressed in the presentation, and the direction of future initiatives will also be discussed. The lecture will take place in the Art Gallery of Main Campus Library and will be given in English. Lunchtime refreshments will be provided. This lecture will certainly be popular, so please come early to be sure of a seat