Quiz: Are You a Good MATH Minor Candidate?




When you come to think of it, working for a company is like a mortgage loan functioning in the opposite direction. I mean, for all practical purposes, you sell yourself to a company and let them suck up your soul in exchange for a monthly payment, which they call a salary. And you know from personal experience that a mortgage crisis is the last thing we want nowadays, so you'd better be careful about what you choose as your career path. But that's what Career Days are for, right? To give you a feeling for the business life.

I've realized, though, that while trying to bring in people from all walks of life, they usually fail to come up with someone who not only studies economics as a major but also minors in mathematics. And that's where I, the perfect combination of Adam Smith and <<insert some famous mathematician here>>, barge in. I know most of you feel like taking the same academic steps as I did but aren't sure if you have the necessary qualities. No worries -- here's a quiz I've prepared to evaluate the mathematician in you. Anyone except, of course, math majors can take it.

1. Minoring in math is no easy-peasy business. Like having a girlfriend, it requires time, devotion and intensive care. How would you express your love for math in a few sentences?

a) I love math more than anything else. In fact, that's the reason why my ex broke up with me. Some girls are just nuts.
b) Not sure if I love math but finding true love is the reason why I'm applying for a math minor. Hope that reasoning works for you.
c) I don't believe that such a thing as true love exists. But yeah, I agree that some girls are just nuts.

2. Most of you must have had some hands-on experience already. Tell me a little bit about your calculus adventures.
a) Glad you asked that. Well, it started off good, you know? The first class went fine. I got really excited by the syllabus and couldn't wait to get my hands on some serious math so I ran to Meteksan and bought the textbook. But it turned into a mess later in the semester. What is it with those quizzes, anyway? And there were like twenty of them. It just didn't make sense.
b) I agree with the guy in a. This is also a quiz and I'm starting to get bored.
c) To the guys above: Stop being such divas and keep on answering the questions, will you?

3. Winter has almost arrived. The weather's doing its best to keep us indoors, but there isn't much to do at home. So, what would you do on a rainy Saturday afternoon to keep yourself busy?
a) Shut myself up in the library and teach those differential equations a lesson. Or teach myself those differential equations as a lesson. Whatever.
b) Get together with friends, have a cup of coffee or two, you know, typical me.
c) Get together with friends and shut ourselves up in the library and teach those differential equations a lesson while having a cup of coffee or two. You know, typical us.

4. Well, while you're in the library, could you please solve the following differential equation?
a) Joking. I, too, hate real quizzes.
b) I love differential equations though.
c) Who am I kidding? I hate them both.

5. Speaking of differential equations, are you ready to embrace the fact that the subject of your X will be constantly brought up and you will be asked Y?
a) Yes, bring it up!
b) No, I don't think I can handle that.
c) (Tears)

How to Calculate Your Score: Give yourself one point for every a, two for every b and three for every c. Add them up and then ask a math major to check and see if you did it right. Regardless of the result, realize that life is but a collection of moments, and the sad ones have a minus sign before them. Therefore, think twice before selling yourself  to a company for a few thousand liras.