ZİÇEV Students Perform at Bilkent, Courtesy of ENDOST

An event entitled "We're ENDING Prejudice with ENDOST!" was held in Mithat Çoruh Auditorium on Saturday, December 15 by the Friendship Without Boundaries (ENDOST) Project in cooperation with ZİÇEV. ENDOST, one of the Social Awareness Projects (Toplumsal Duyarlılık Projeleri), was founded this year. Project volunteers go to ZİÇEV, which is located in Gölbaşı, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays to form "friendships without boundaries" with the developmentally disabled students there through games and activities.

At Saturday's event, ZİÇEV students came to Bilkent and performed a program that included folk dancing, step, and rhythmic dancing. Bilkent students attending the show clearly enjoyed the performances and expressed their appreciation with warm applause. After the program, there was a tour of a photograph exhibition put together over seven years by ZİÇEV and the American Embassy entitled "My Ankara Project." Following this, students from Bilkent and ZİÇEV had lunch together and photos were taken. Having spent time with the ZİÇEV students and seen their happy faces, some additional Bilkent students decided to volunteer for ENDOST.

If you want to learn more or join the project, you may send an email to canergenccan@gmail.com.

Or, you may reach the project volunteers through their Facebook page: facebook.com/EngelsizDostluklarProjesi