


Bilkent News will print classified ads, space permitting. Ads can be placed by students, faculty, staff, and their family members present on Bilkent campus. "For Sale" items must be second-hand items. Ads of a commercial nature will not be accepted. Bilkent News will not accept any advertisements for any educational services (including but not limited to translating, tutoring, or editing) or for real estate (including apartment sharing).

Bilkent News reserves the right to reject any ad that does not adhere to submission guidelines. Guidelines may change at any time. Bilkent News is not responsible for the accuracy of any aspect of the information provided in an ad. Only one ad per person per week will be printed.

  • Ads are limited to 20 words, including phone, fax, and e-mail.
  • Deadline is at noon Wednesday, one week prior to the edition in which the ad is to be run.
  • Classified ads should be e-mailed to