All About Student Clubs

Bilkent Popüler Yaşam

Popüler Yaşam Kulübü is a student club that started its activities in 2010/2011 academic year.

The first and one of the most important purposes of this club is to host important guest speakers, especially those who have achieved academic or professional success. By doing this, they believe that they contribute to students' academic lives in Bilkent. Popular refers to the popularity of guests who are hosted. Also, the club has already set up prestigious certification programs, workshops, a short film festival, television and cinema awards, seminars, both domestic and abroad trips, and projects of social responsibility  for all faculties.

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Bilkent Wing Chun Kulübü

In spring semester 2010, Wing Chun was offered as a sports course. Now, it has started to its activities as a club. What is this "Wing Chun" and what does this club do?

According to Wing Chun's Facebook page, WC is a martial art, which was originally taught by master to student orally. This marital art appeared during the era of Leung Jan, Wing Chun master.

Since Wing Chun was developed in the time of the Ming and Shaolin battle with the Qing Family, many myths about the founder of Wing Chun were spread to confuse the enemy, including the tale of Yim Wing Chun. That's why no one has been able to accurately determine the creator or creators of Wing Chun.

The Wing Chun club formed when the course ended and has been continuing with 40 students.

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