All About Clubs


Archaeology & Art History Club
The Archaeology & Art History Club is a new association founded this year by Bilkent archaeology students.

In Turkey, even at Bilkent, the majority is either unaware of these two fields or has little information about them. The main purpose of the club is to show what  archaeology and art history are and what those who study them are doing.

The club has been established at the very end of fall semester of this year. Therefore, it could only organize a meeting and a movie day. Many members of the club joined the Syria Tour led by the Archaeology Department over the semester break.

Aybike Sevüktekin


East Asia Club
The East Asia Club was founded in 2002 under the name "Animation and Comics Club," And organized movie nights in tandem with the "Bilkent Fantasy Club" between 2002 and 2010.

In the 2009-2010 academic year, they organized many activities having to do with the culture of China, Korea, Taiwan, and Japan. Some of these activities were East Asia Kitchen Nights, East Asia Movie Nights, Concerts, and Chinese & Japanese weeks.

Anıl Demir


Life in 21st Century Club
The 21st Century Club has a unique approach. They are interested in science, art, technology, health issues, literature, theater, and cinema. The club's aim is to give a chance to students to talk about anything they want regarding life in this century.

The club, which was established last year in spring semester, organized a trip to Sunay Akın and plans more activities soon.

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