Prof. İnalcık Publishes Hâs-Bağçede Ayş u Tarab

İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları has recently published a new book by Prof. Halil İnalcık, professor at the Department of History entitled Hâs-Bağçede Ayş u Tarab: Nedimler, Şâirler, Mutribler (English title: Banquet at the Sultans’s Private Gardens: Courtiers, Poets, Musicians) on the history of the entertainment tradition in the Ottoman palace. The book is currently only available in Turkish.

Prof. İnalcık's new history of Ottoman entertainment opens uncharted territory in the study of Ottoman Turkey. Although the historiographical traditions in other branches of area history have produced works examining the social history of foodways and entertainment, until now historians have not delved into the entertainment history of the Ottoman palace.

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Maestro Serebrier to Lead BSO

Uruguayan-American conductor and composer José Serebrier, one of the most recorded conductors alive, will lead the Bilkent Symphony Orchestra this weekend in its performance of Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) and Jean Sibelius (1865-1957). As an added treat, Serebrier will be conducting his own orchestration of Grieg's Songs, which has been performed around the world to much acclaim. The orchestration was even published by Grieg's original publisher. Serebrier, who has written more than 100 compositions, is very successful at recording his orchestrations. In addition to Grieg, Serebrier has recorded his orchestrations of Tchaikovsky, Janacek, Bizet, and Gershwin. He recorded his orchestration of Bizet's Carmen with the U.S. Marine Corp Band in 2007. Serebrier recorded Grieg's Songs with the weekend's soloist, soprano Carole Farley in 1999. The two have recorded together 16 times, and she has recorded Sebrier's music twice: the world premiere of the maestro's composition Erotica and the Grammy-nominated performance Symphony No. 3 (Symphonie Mystique) with the Orchestre de Chambre de Toulouse.

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Dr. Rohat Melik Receives the Leopold B. Felsen Award for Excellence in Electromagnetics

Dr. Rohat Melik, who has recently completed his Ph.D. under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hilmi Volkan Demir (EEE, PHYS, and UNAM) in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Bilkent University, received the 2010 Award for Excellence in Electromagnetics. The award was presented by the Leopold B. Felsen Fund at Boston University and Doğuş University. The fund, honoring the late Professor Felsen, recognizes students and researchers for outstanding research in the field of electromagnetics with special consideration for publications resulting from scientific research conducted in Turkey. Dr. Melik worked on "Novel Wireless RF-bioMEMS Implant Sensors of Metamaterials" in his Ph.D. study. In the Demir Group, he has developed and demonstrated a new class of bio-implant metamaterial-inspired wireless strain sensors that make use of their unique structural advantages in medical sensing, opening up important directions for the applications of metamaterials. His thesis work paves the way for "smart" orthopaedic trauma implants enabling further possible innovations for future healthcare. Dr. Melik will continue his studies as a postdoctoral researcher at MIT in the USA.

Bilkent Logo Merchandise On Sale at Bookstore

On January 17, Meteksan introduced a new shopping section that features Bilkent merchandise. You can find t-shirts, scarves, wallets, mugs, key rings, umbrellas, toys, etc. All the products have various kinds of Bilkent University logos on them. Bilkenters can benefit from this new service to buy souvenirs for both themselves and their friends. The Bilkent merchandise section of Meteksan is open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. and on Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cansu Acar (IE/III)

Opportunities for Students to Study Abroad

The Turkish Council of Higher Education's (YÖK) announcements about international scholarship opportunities for students can be checked regularly at
