From the Library

Bilkent University Library is currently working hard to develop its communication with the university community as a whole. In addition to our recently improved involvement in the GE100 "Introduction to University Life" program, in which over 90 percent of new students participated, the Library is also working closely with a number of undergraduate programs to promote knowledge and use of our many and varied library resources. Please remember that each faculty at Bilkent has its own designated "faculty librarian" who can act as a liaison between the departments and the Library. The faculty librarians are here to provide orientations for students and faculty members and to develop our collection for their individual faculties, as well as provide reference help in the Library throughout the week. For the list of librarians, please see our website:

This week, on Thursday, October 14, Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Gürata, acting chair of the Department of Communication and Design, will deliver the first of our Library Lunchtime Lectures for this semester. This lecture, entitled "End of Cinema: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love New Cinephilia," will examine the current state of cinema and cinema-going in the world. In her 1996 essay "The Decay of Cinema," Susan Sontag claimed that the golden age of cinema was over. Recently, the deaths of two great masters of modern cinema, Ingmar Bergman and Michelangelo Antonioni, have further encouraged this feeling of eulogy. Many critics declare that we are currently approaching the end of cinema as an art form. It is indeed true that the importance of cinema going around the world has declined drastically. But does that mean a feverish age, along with its masterpieces, is over? In his talk, Dr. Gürata will evaluate the complex technological and social changes in today's media environment and pose questions about the transition in the film culture. The lecture will be held in the Art Gallery of main campus library, 12:40 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Lunchtime refreshments will be supplied. We look forward to seeing you all there.